Sunday, January 03, 2010

Erosion Bundle Project

One of my Diva friends, Kris, got a bunch of us interested in participating in a special art project this year. We each were to gather a variety of items, fabrics, metals, paper...etc...and bundle them together and then hang them outside until April 15th and allow Mother Nature to "alter" them in the snow, rain, wind etc. We are to post photos every now and then and when the project is done...we are to make an art piece using items from the bundle. Living at a condo community, I have to be careful of where and what I hang as there are " nosey police" who would love to report us for breaking the I hung mine on a recently cut evergreen the can see it from the front porch but if anyone asks...i will do my best to ignore them or get them interested....if that is a possibility....

I gathered lace, fabric, paper, sheet music, pages from a phone book, silk flowers, an old metal spoon, metal wire, mesh, bells, a piece of canvas with water color sprays, a bottle cap, some pieces of copper, string and an inked tag....most of the items on on the outside of the bundle in hopes they will rust and change or fade.


Joanne Huffman said...

will be fun to check on your blog and see how this all evolves.

BadPenny said...

good luck !

Kathy McElroy said...

is your bundle still hanging?

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I am sure the outside things will change beautifully and give you a sneak peak of what's going on inside!

Deborah said...

Great ideas for your contents!